
Greetings Participants! As part of the preparation for your workshop, we’d like you to create two videos. 

The first video should be focused on the “Why” of your ministry/business. Why do you exist? What is your ultimate purpose? This should be a shorter intro video, more like a teaser or trailer, and only 1-2 minutes. 

The second video should be focused on explaining your unique ministry/business model. How do you accomplish your “why”? This video should be more in depth, more like a quick tutorial/informational video, around 3-5 minutes.

These videos will allow our guests, who will be hearing your presentations on the final day of the workshop, to better understand your work and connect with specific needs. They will have a chance to view these videos prior to your presentations. This not only saves you time from explaining your work to each guest, but also allows our guests to get into the deeper work of providing feedback on your plans. While these videos will be helpful for our purposes in the workshop, we also hope they are a resource you can keep using after the workshop. We encourage you to create the videos in a way that will allow you to use them for other ministry/business purposes. 

Video Best Practices:

  • Pick a professional background/backdrop

  • Pick a quiet location free of noise and distractions

  • Get a lapel mic

  • Professional Dress OR Attire with Ministry Name or Logo

Below is a brief outline/guide of the content to include in each video. Here is a printable version of the same outline.

Video 1: The “Why” behind your ministry, audience (who you serve) (Teaser/Trailer |  1-2 minutes) | Magnify Missions Video 1 Example

Introduction (1 minute):

  • Hook 

  • Your Name

  • Your Role

  • Your Ministry/Business Name

  • How you got connected to/or started your ministry/business

  • One line factual explanation of ministry/business

    • Examples: 

      • We provide after school programs for at-risk youth. 

      • We are a family owned restaurant that serves locally sourced Italian food.

      • We provide several services including language classes to our local refugee population.

The "Why" (1 minute)

  • Why does your ministry/business exist?

  • Who do you serve?

  • What Kingdom purposes are you trying to fulfill through this ministry/business?

Video 2: Ministry/Business Model & The “What” how you accomplish your “why” (More in depth | 3-5 minutes) | Magnify Missions Video 2 Example

Introduction (1 minute)

  • Hook: Story about your ministry 

  • Your Name

  • Your Role

  • Your Ministry/Business Name

  • One line factual explanation of ministry/business

Explanation of your Ministry/Business Model (2-3 minutes)

  • What is being implemented/created? 

  • How does it work?

  • What is the order of operations?

The “What”-How You Accomplish Your “Why” (1-2 minutes)

  • How does this model allow you to reach people/serve your customers?

  • What is the intended impact on people?

  • How do you see God’s purposes being accomplished through this model?